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Writer's pictureMendel Max Bluvband

How to Track Your Fitness Journey?

Updated: Oct 23, 2023

Keeping track of your fitness progress is crucial as it allows you to evaluate your training effectiveness and continually adjust toward achieving your objectives. Whether you've chosen to engage in yoga, Pilates, or gym workouts, several methods of measuring success go beyond the scales.

Woman sitting in a meditation pose with a lot of paper work around her

My Yoga Journey Progress

When embarking on your Yoga journey, the initial focus is often on mastering different poses or asanas. Measuring progress involves increased flexibility, greater strength, improved balance, and better control over your breathing.

For instance, by noting how far your forward bend (known as Paschimottanasana) reaches over time - whether it's your knees, ankles, or feet - you can gauge your improvement in flexibility. Similarly, you can track your stability by gradually enhancing balance postures like Tree Pose (Vriksasana) or Warrior III (Virabhadrasana III).

Consistency in practice is paramount in Yoga. Track the frequency of your sessions while noting any changes in your mood and stress levels. Regular pranayama, meditative practices, and mindful movement in Yoga strive towards developing a clam and centered mind, indicating progress.

Yoga is a gentle exercise focusing on strength, flexibility, and mindfulness. Many yoga practitioners recommend practicing daily for the best results. However, a common guideline for beginners is at least 2-3 times per week. This consistency can significantly improve flexibility, strength, and stress reduction.

My Pilates Journey Progress

Pilates pivots around core strength, flexibility, balance, and endurance. Comparable to Yoga, its success parameters also rest in enhanced performance over time. Regularly practicing complex movements that initially challenged you and witnessing improved proficiency constitutes progress.

The Hundred, an iconic Pilates exercise, is perfect for tracking progression. The move requires holding your legs and head off the floor while pumping your arms. At first, you may only withstand a few seconds before fatigue sets in. However, with constant practice, you can aim to hold the full 100 counts, indicating demonstrable progress.

Like yoga, Pilates is also generally safe to practice daily. However, it's usually recommended to start with 2-3 classes per week for beginners. As your strength and endurance improve, you can increase frequency. Remember, quality of practice is more important than quantity.

My Gym activity progress

With Gym workouts, progress measurement can be slightly more tangible. Simple parameters like an increase in the weight lifted, longer durations on the treadmill, or higher intensity on the elliptical can all act as markers of improvement.

Furthermore, recording your repetitions for each exercise and noting any progression is another great way to track growth. Perhaps you could only perform ten push-ups initially, but now you can do twenty. Or maybe you've added ten extra pounds to your bench press or are showing a faster recovery after a high-intensity workout.

In all these fitness regimes, tracking changes in body composition, including lean muscle mass and body fat percentage, not just changes in weight, yields a more comprehensive overview of your progress.

The frequency of gym workouts depends on the exercise you're undertaking and your specific goals.

  1. Strength Training: The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recommends strength training two or three times per week with a day of rest in between to allow muscles time for recovery and growth.

  2. Cardio: The American Heart Association recommends a minimum of 150 minutes of moderate-intensity or 75 minutes of high-intensity cardio exercise per week, which can be broken down into multiple sessions.

  3. Weight Training: If you are interested in weight training, it's usually not a daily activity. Rest days are essential for muscles to rebuild and strengthen. Most bodybuilders and weight trainers schedule workouts for 3-5 times per week.

These are rough guidelines; variations can occur based on a professional trainer's advice, individual capacity, and personal goals. Listen to your body and ensure you incorporate rest days into your schedule to recover and avoid overtraining.

Remember, progress can sometimes be slow, and patience is key. Measuring these indicators can instill confidence and inspire you to continue your fitness journey. Celebrate every small victory – each signifies a step closer to your fitness goals, fostering greater motivation and commitment to your health and well-being.



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